Home owners without a mortgage paying more than 30% of household income for housing costs (percent)

The number of owner-occupied housing units without a mortgage that pay 30% or more of household income for housing costs divided by the number of owner-occupied housing units without a mortgage, times 100.

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Suggested citation: diversitydatakids.org. 2021. “Home owners without a mortgage paying more than 30% of household income for housing costs (percent)”, retrieved from https://data.diversitydatakids.org/dataset/25101_2_p-home-owners-without-a-mortgage-paying-more-than-30--of-household-income-for-housing-costs-?_external=True on Apr 19 2024, calculated from American Community Survey Summary Files

Additional Info

Last Updated October 16, 2021
Year(s) Data available for 2009-2017, except for ZIP code tabulation areas (2011-2017), city neighborhoods (2010-2017), and census tracts (2012 & 2017).
Update Frequency Annual

American Community Survey 1-Year Summary Files, 2009-2017, Table(s): B25101. American Community Survey 5-Year Summary Files, 2009-2017, Table(s): B25101.

Version 1