Preschool enrollment rates in children's (0-4) neighborhoods (percent) by race/ethnicity and nativity

The preschool enrollment rate among 3- and 4-year-olds in the average neighborhood where young children (0-4) in the specified race/ethnicity category live.

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Suggested citation: 2021. “Preschool enrollment rates in children's (0-4) neighborhoods (percent) by race/ethnicity and nativity”, retrieved from on Apr 20 2024, calculated from Current Population Survey Public Use Microdata Files (IPUMS-CPS)

Additional Info

Last Updated October 16, 2021
Year(s) Data available for 2017.

U.S. Census Bureau 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Summary Files, Table(s): B14003, B01001, B01001A, B01001B, B01001C, B01001D, B01001E, B01001F, B01001G, B01001H, B01001I.


Neighborhood preschool enrollment patterns by race/ethnicity


A child's immediate neighborhood is defined as the census tract within which he/she lives. Data used for calculating estimates are drawn from surveys and are therefore subject to sampling variability; indicator values should be compared with caution.

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