Professional, technical and managerial employment, ages 16+ who are employed (percent) by race/ethnicity

The number of individuals aged 16 years and over who are employed in management, business, financial, computer, engineering, science, education, legal, community service, health care practitioner, health technology, arts and media occupations divided by the number of individuals aged 16 years and over, times 100, for the total population and by race/ethnicity. Because of a break in the occupational classification used by the Census Bureau, data from 2009 (1-year) and 2005-2009 (5-year) may not be fully comparable.

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Suggested citation: 2022. “Professional, technical and managerial employment, ages 16+ who are employed (percent) by race/ethnicity”, retrieved from on Apr 25 2024, calculated from American Community Survey Summary Files

Additional Info

Last Updated May 23, 2022
Year(s) Data available for 2009-2017, except for ZIP code tabulation areas (2011-2017), city neighborhoods (2010-2017), and census tracts (2012 & 2017).
Update Frequency Annual

American Community Survey 1-Year Summary Files, 2009-2017, Table(s): B24010A, B24010B, B24010C, B24010D, B24010E, B24010F, B24010G, B24010H, B24010I, C24010, C24010A, C24010B, C24010C, C24010D, C24010E, C24010F, C24010G, C24010H, C24010I. American Community Survey 5-Year Summary Files, 2009-2017, Table(s): C24010, C24010A, C24010B, C24010C, C24010D, C24010E, C24010F, C24010G, C24010H, C24010I.

Version 1