Head Start eligible children with a Head Start center in their immediate neighborhood (percent) by race/ethnicity

The share of Head Start eligible children of the specified race/ethnicity or nativity category that have a Head Start preschool center located within their immediate neighborhood.

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Suggested citation: diversitydatakids.org. 2022. “Head Start eligible children with a Head Start center in their immediate neighborhood (percent) by race/ethnicity”, retrieved from https://data.diversitydatakids.org/dataset/ece29a_p-head-start-eligible-children-with-a-head-start-center-in-their-immediate-neighborhood--perc?_external=True on Apr 20 2024, calculated from Current Population Survey Public Use Microdata Files (IPUMS-CPS)

Additional Info

Last Updated January 8, 2022
Year(s) Data available for 2014 & 2019.

2014 Estimates: Head Start locations obtained from Office of Head Start data in April 2014. Number of Head Start income-eligible 3- and 4-year-olds calculated from U.S. Census Bureau 2008-2012 American Community Survey. 2019 Estimates: Head Start locations obtained from Office of Head Start in April 2019. Number of Head Start income-eligible 3- and 4-year-olds calculated from U.S. Census Bureau 2013-2017 American Community Survey.


Unequal neighborhood availability of Head Start: Exploring patterns in the data


NA="Not Applicable" because there are zero estimated Head Start eligible children of that category or the source data for the specified group is suppressed due to low/no observations. A Head Start eligible child is defined as a 3- or 4-year-old with family income below 100% of the federal poverty level. Head Start centers include Head Start preschool centers only (i.e. excludes other types of Head Start centers such as Early Head Start and Migrant and Seasonal Head Start centers). A child's immediate neighborhood is defined as the census tract within which he/she lives. Nativity refers to parental nativity, not the nativity of the child. Native-born indicates that both of a child's parents were born in the U.S. (or one parent in single-parent families). Foreign-born indicates that one or both of a child's parents were born outside of the U.S. Native-born indicates that both parents were born in the U.S. (or one parent in single-parent families). Data used for calculating estimates are drawn from surveys and are therefore subject to sampling variability; indicator values should be compared with caution.

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